You’re all invited to a wonderful brunch on Sunday, June 26 from 11-2 at the beautiful Malvern home of one of our team members. And please bring a friend!
This brunch makes us think of a similar event we held a little over a year ago. We called it a “friend-raiser” and wanted to introduce ourselves as the new rescue on the block, explain why we’re unique and get feedback from our guests about their thoughts and experiences on what makes a successful rescue.
What our guests had to say was pretty much unanimous: Don’t abandon us once we’ve fostered or adopted a dog.
We’ve often said that while adoption (or foster) day definitely calls for a big, “Yippee!” it’s also only the start of the journey. Dogs who may have been timid couch potatoes in a shelter, often turn out to be wildly energetic dogs once they’ve gotten the lay of the land – and the return of their confidence – in your home.
And if there’s no one from the rescue or shelter to support you, what do you do when faced with challenging behaviors?
Many people give up and return the dog – which is the last thing we’d ever want to happen. Returning a dog is traumatic for you, traumatic for the rescue and most importantly, horribly traumatic for the dog.
We stated at our friend-raiser last year that we’d give you our support throughout the dog’s lifetime – whether you’re fostering or adopting.
And we think we’ve delivered.
The wonderful people who’ve gotten involved with DogsHome know we are always just a text, email or phone call away. We’ve had conversations at 6 a.m. as well as the wee hours of the night.
We’ve worked with you on training issues and health issues (Can you ever have too many discussion about poop?!).
We’ve provided you with food, and covered veterinary expenses that’ve cropped up even after you’ve adopted a dog from us. Because if we feel the health issue originated while the dog was still in our care, we take responsibility for it.
At DogsHome, we feel very strongly that we will never give you a sick dog.
We’ve tried to do and be everything we talked about a year ago.
And now, 21 dogs later (!), we’re inviting you to come to a very special brunch, one where we’re celebrating our incredible foster parents and hopefully bringing new ones into our organization.
We can’t say it enough – even though we know our fosters get very tired of hearing us repeat it! But the truth is: We can’t do this without you.
We are only as a strong as our supporters. We can only save as many lives as we have foster homes.
We can only make a difference when we all work together.
Please join us on June 26. And because we need a head count, we ask that you RSVP by June 12. Email or
See you there!
DogsHome: Providing shelter, training and love